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Description: The SDI Select™ 60 is a dry ice cleaning system that offers the value of delicate cleaning and high-level aggression all in one frame. Designed with application variability and ever-changing industry demands in mind, the SDI Select 60 can navigate the dry ice cleaning spectrum with ease. Cold Jet’s SDI Select™ 60 is designed to be the most simplistic, user-friendly dry ice cleaning system available today. With the ability to shave any dry ice media input through patented feeder technology, the SDI Select 60 opens new cleaning opportunities for users who experience limited dry ice availability. Now, they can source any form of dry ice for their cleaning medium. Showcasing Cold Jet’s patented shaved ice technology, the SDI Select 60 can clean large surfaces of thin, hard contaminant, without damaging the substrate. And when faced with heavier contaminants, simply bypass the shaving media, turn up the aggression and clean using full 3mm pellets.

Price: $27,684 USD
(20% off purchase price, never used)

Ask for Roger Calger
Wilco Machine & Fab
1326 S. Broadway
Marlow, OK 73055
Phone: 580-658-6993

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